On a clear night, with no clouds, moonlight, or artificial lights to block the view, people can see more than 14000 stars in the sky, says Dennis ward, an astronomer. 据天文学家丹尼斯.瓦德所说,在晴朗的夜晚,如果天空中没有云和月,也没有人造灯挡住视线,人们可以看到一万四千多颗星星。
I had this dream last night I was in this hospital ward. 我昨晚梦到在这家医院病房里。
Night are long in hospital, but all through the night the young Marine sat there in the dimly-lit ward, holding the old man's hand and offering words of hope and strength. 医院里的夜晚是难熬的,在光线暗淡的病房里,整个晚上年轻的士兵都坐在那儿,握住老人的手,传递希望和强壮的信息。
When he awoke from something between sleep and swooning, the grey of the morning had begun to take the place of night. From morning to evening, mother and son quietly bided time in the ward. 等到他在睡眠和昏迷状态中醒过来的时候,灰蒙蒙的黎明已经赶走了黑夜。从清晨到黄昏,母子二人静静地在病室里迎送着时间。
One night I telephoned the ward to say goodnight to him, as I often did. 一天晚上,像往常一样,我把电话打到病房向他道晚安。
Reform and effect of night ward rounds 护理总值班夜查房制度的改革及效果
This article summarized and discussed the assistant duty system at night in the gerontological ward, which provide experience and foundation for the reform of nursing management in the ward and providing high quality of nursing service in the gerontological ward. 对医院老年病房实行的护士夜间听班制度进行总结和探讨,为改革病房护理管理、创建老年病房的优质护理服务提供经验和依据。
The practice of performing assistant duty system at night in gerontological ward 老年病房实行夜间听班制度的做法与思考
The paper introduced a way of organization, contents of night ward inspection, and methods of management. 本文介绍了护士长夜查房的组织形式、查房内容、管理方法。
It is very useful to emphasize the nursing management and to higher the quality of nursing by the night ward inspection of head nurse. 通过护士长夜查房的实施,强化了护理管理,提高了护理质量。